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Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Mueller Hut Route New Zealand

Heading to Mount Cook Village on the South Island of New Zealand to take on the #Mueller_Hut_Trail There are seasonal restrictions from November to April & bookings are required for the Muller Hut as there are only 28 bunks in two separate rooms, large communal kitchen & a huge outdoor deck at a cost of $36.00 per night PP or $15 PP to camp near the Hut with access to the facilities plus you will need to bring your own food, sleeping bags, flashlight & toilet paper

KeyTip; At no cost i did the hike as far as Sealy Tarns ( 500 meters of elevation left to the Mueller Hut) plus i added Hooker Valley Track to my itinerary so got all the views plus no overnight complications
Also VERY IMPORTANT; you need to register what you intend on doing for the day at the Aoraki / Mount Cook National Park Visitor Centre.
So sign in & sign out or it may result in a formal search  


The Mueller Hut 1800 meter mark (5900 feet) at Sealy Range will provide you a 360 degree panorama view of glaciers, ice cliffs, vertical rock faces & New Zealands highest peaks

The route starts at the White Horse Hill Campsite & a roundtrip is around 10 kms (6 miles) which should take you under 6 hours for an experienced adventurer.
The hike is considered highly challenging with all sorts of rugged terrain, steep inclines & changing weather conditions to navigate.
  But a really rewarding alpine hike because of the views

As we start, the first 20 minutes are on flat wooden boardwalks through the grass & tussocks then it starts inclining up the mountain & you will feel the change immediately
Weather can change quickly here so always bring extra warm clothes, rain jacket, hat, sunscreen, snacks, water and so know, common sense stuff 😀

The route is marked with poles with orange triangles so look for that plus the path is worn so i good indicator until you get near the Mueller Hut ....which is just straight up jajajaja
. Not sure how good the cell coverage is for GPS (alltrails wikiloc) but perhaps this also

Your safety is YOUR responsibility so be prepared
Choose the right route for you plus have the skillset for it & maybe even bring a distress beacon for a level of comfort

Crossing this swing bridge into the Hooker Valley Track
This trail will give you much scenery of mountains, Mueller & Hooker Lakes ( which if the winter months you might see icebergs) & into the valley.

It was a windy day & i now know why they call it a swing bridge 😁

The Glacial River runs into a lake at the base of Hooker Valley
Footing is indeed slippery here & time is needed to take those baby steps

As mentioned you need to be experienced hiker to make this trek so choose which route is best for you

If your going into the mountains, be smart & check the New Zealand Avalanche Advisory plus the weather forecasts before heading out

Aoraki /Mount Cook 

The original Mueller Hut was built in 1914 & used as a shelter to explore the glacier that is nearby,
plus between 1947-1953 two more Mueller Huts were destroyed by avalanches.
 To present times, new construction was completed in 2003 for what we see today

As i make my way back using the orange triangle markers, was having some photograph fun on the swing bridge & the shadows on the rock face 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Mykonos Greece

According to Greek mythology the island was named after Mykonos the grandson of Apollo & also the area is known as The Island of Winds

KeyTip: They advertise walking tours at $45.00US / your money & just stroll the narrow streets yourself as you will never get lost as the area is too small 
Then find the free attractions like some of the 60 Churches in Mykonos town , Rarity Gallery, Armenistis Lighthouse, Monastery of Tourliani, Folklore Museum & Beaches
 Mykonos Town is called Chora (Greek for Town) & it is small plus a maze of narrow streets
 So rumor has it was done so to confuse the pirates when they raided this area & were always nearby because of the islands location in the Aegean Sea


Mykonos has a strict color code that requires all doors & windows to be painted blue, green or red.
This dates back to the tradition where sailors painted their doors blue, farmers were green & everyone else was red.
Also the reason why all the houses are painted white is to keep the homes cool during the hot summer

There has been many movies filmed here, Shirley Valentine, Bourne Identity, The Greek Tycoon etc
There are around 15,000 residents on the island which will increase to over 50,000 in the summer months with tourists & only 30 Taxis.
Sounds like a business opportunity 😃

Some street art i found an assuming paying homage to the sea

Throughout history Mykonos was considered a poor island because of the limited agricultural resources.
Then in the 1950s the artists, royals & celebrities discovered the island & soon followed the tourists

Moving forward the island is also well known for its culture & art besides the nightlife 
Mykonos has over 800 churches but the most famous is Paraportiani  (construction started in 1425 - 1600s) as it consists of five separate churches which are joined (four are at ground level with the fifth on top)
Over the years the church has been damaged by fires, earthquakes & natural disasters but has survived & is one of the most photographed churches in the world 

Mykonos belongs to the Cyclades Complex which consists of 33 islands forming a circle ( cyclos) & in the centre is the sacred island of Delos

So if here on Mykonos for the nightlife it is expensive with cover charges, premium drinks ($25 per cocktail for example) & more so think $150 -$200+ (per night minimum) with hundreds of bars or restaurants to choose from

This area is known as Little Venice as the wealthy Venetian merchants constructed these buildings in typical Italian architecture style

Found this picture of the early days of immigration to the island & now with the popularity of Mykonos its through a Greek Golden Visa Program ( minimum 250,000 Euro investment in real estate in order to qualify)

The waking ambassador of Mykonos is Petros (Peter) the Pelican who roams around the narrow streets of Old Town

Tiger Moth Biplane in Australia

The #Tiger_Moth_Biplane was built in 1931 & was mainly used as a trainer aircraft for pilots in the Second World War & was retired in 1959 with around 8,800 built. 
It was designed by de Havilland Aircraft Company of Canada
So (ironically ) here i am in Australia with a chance to be a passenger of this piece of aviation history

 My first clue that i was going to be in for an interesting flight was the plane has no electrical system so it was started by hand, plus as we roll down the runway the pilot had to stick his head over the side to navigate the takeoff because of the upright position of this biplane

Here we are over Surfers Paradise on the Australian Gold Coast & then the pilot asks if i am ready
Ready for what i am thinking; well then the aerobatics start 
Controlled Stall , Death Spiral, Barrel Rolls & Hammerhead Maneuvers
My first thought was (as i am hanging upside down in a open cockpit vintage plane) how old / new is this safety harness  😳

After we landed the pilot ask me why i thought we did those stunts over the ocean
Well if i messed up..... it would only be you and me 😂

The reason why these planes were called Tiger Moths the designer Geoffrey de Havilland had a interest in moths & butterflies
So as simple as that & probably also the way those winged insects moved in the open skies for his inspiration for aircraft design

Besides the 4000 that were manufactured in Britain others were built in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Portugal & Sweden

The plane had a range of 486 km (300 miles) a ceiling of 4145 meters (13,600 feet)
 & a max speed 176km (110 mph) 

There are still approximately 300 Tiger Moths still in flying condition & as you can see i found one of them in Australia

There are a few places left in the world that you would get a chance to fly one, but mostly the Tiger Moths are in aviation museums or private collections
 So i feel very fortunate to have the experience to be a Ace Co-Pilot 😎

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Fort Jefferson by Amphibious Plane

Fort Jefferson is located 109 km (68 miles) west of Key West Florida in the Gulf of Mexico & is in the Dry Tortugas National Park System

KeyTip; The ferry (state of the art catamaran ) will cost you $220.00US which includes breakfast snack, box lunch, snorkeling equipment, entrance fee to Dry Tortugas National Park / Fort Jefferson & takes around 2 hours
For me & my adventurous soul 😂 i opt for the Amphibious Plane half day excursion $466.00 + $15 Fort fee & you arrive in 40 minutes 


So this type of plane is called an amphibious aircraft as it can takeoff & land both on runways or water
Seaplanes can only take off & land on water

Everyone gets a window seat & headset plus some interesting facts from the pilot
For one he talked about the Chugs (as in the noise some of these homemade boats / engines make) from Cuban migrants who try & make the dangerous 160 km ( 100 miles) journey through the Florida Straits & apparently if they make it to one of the US Islands they can request political asylum

We fly at such a low altitude (500 feet) i captured our shadow on the water below.

Two of the 1700 islands that make up the Florida Keys , this archipelago extends from Soldier Keys to the Dry Tortugas

Splashdown & now 2.5 hours of Fort Jefferson exploring which covers over 16 acres 

This picture says it all......way cool experience landing on the Gulf of Mexico

This military post of Fort Jefferson offered the ships patrolling the Gulf of Mexico & Florida Straits protection from the weather plus a place to resupply & refit 
It took nearly 30 years to built this fortress (1846-1875) but was never finished or fully armed plus it was never attacked 

During the Civil War the fort was used as a prison for mainly Union deserters

The fort was abandoned by the Army in 1874 & was used later as a coaling station for warships

The nickname of Fort Jefferson was The Guardian of the Gulf

In 1935 Dry Tortugas (Spanish for turtles) National Park was formed containing 160km (100 miles) of mostly open water with seven small islands & the home of Fort Jefferson

Fort Jefferson is the largest brick structure in the United States with over 16 million & was constructed this way to withstand cannon balls from hostile vessels

J.N.O. Nolan was a master bricklayer who etched his name into several bricks, but good luck with that search 😂

Why the Army left (like many forts of this time) was the invention of the rifled cannon which could penetrate the walls plus the fresh water supply was compromised as the crumbling water tanks cracked under its on weight thus allowing salt water to enter
With a shortage of workers President Lincoln started to offer condemned men pardons for a years labor but conditions were harsh, as for example in 1867 Yellow Fever killed 39 staff & workers at the fort 

One of the 450 cannons at the fort that were never needed
Time to leave The Gibraltar of the Gulf & all its history