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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Sorrento Italy

Sorrento (from the Greek word Surreo meaning flow or come together) is a coastal town in southwestern Italy with a population of 16,000+
Now when i asked the locals in Naples about the Amalfi Coast they all agreed that it is a beautiful location but everyone also mentioned Sorrento
This area was first Greek then a Roman colony followed by the Goths, Longobards & Byzantines
Because of its mild climate many emperors (Claudius &Tiberius for example) plus rich patricians chose Sorrento as their summer residence (so because of this) they had roads & villas built, which is evident as we walk the streets here

KeyTip; So i listened & took the Metro at around 5 Euro from Naples (1 hour 20 minutes)
There is also a ferry that is faster but much more expensive if your traveling in a group ( 40 Euros PP )
 Finally they have walking tours listed at $50+ Euros PP, this is not needed as just continue to read this blog for information then spend an afternoon walking yourself


Vallone dei Mulini (Valley of the Mills)
Was at one time an operational flour mill until the 1940s when it was closed & abandoned
It was built in this location to take advantage of the water supply (that flowed underneath) that was needed to ground all the wheat & finally that operation moved to another location 
So now nature has slowly been reclaiming the area of this deep crevasse that was formed 35,000 years ago during an eruption 

The Greeks & Romans both built protective walls around the city & now it surrounds the Main Square of Piazza Tasso ( named after the poet Torquato Tasso 1544-1595)

Trying some samples........hey its hard work blogging for you people 😅

The ancient Greeks designed the streets to be narrow & intentionally positioned them to shade their citizens

The lemons grown here are considered to be the best in the world thanks to the mineral rich volcanic soil
So after your meal you need to drink some Limoncello ( digestif ) containing alcohol ,water, sugar & fresh lemon rinds

While in Sorrento you are near many historical archaeological sites you can visit;
 The Cave of the Sirens, Porta Romana, Museo Correale, Punta del Capo, Villa of Pollio Felice & Museum of Villa Fondi
Sorrento was designated a World Heritage Site in 1997 & while its not part of the Amalfi Coast it is a gateway to many other classic cities of Italy like Positano, Pompeii, Ravello & Herculaneum

In the Middle Ages some worked as fishermen  but others earned their money by being Pirates that would raid nearby coastal towns

Photo Opp.......waited until anything came through this tunnel, got lucky with a one highlight motorcycle

Legend has it the towns earliest history is related to the myth of mermaids which in Italy is known as Sirens
Folklore has it Ulysses heard the Sirens song as he was sailing past Sorrento & told his crew to block their ears & tie him up so to resist this alluring sounds

Sorrento is also known for crafting intricate designs using various types of wood, so not an expensive piece but certainly took skill to make this wooden watch that i picked up before i left this beautiful area

Heading back to Naples with lots of sitting available until we make the stops at Pompeii & Ercolano so be ready for that & Happy Touring 😃

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