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Friday, May 31, 2024

Corfu Greece & its Old Fortress

The Old Fortress of Corfu was constructed on a rocky peninsula as the Byzantines & later the Andeans (1267-1386) had built up the walls, plus towers to protect themselves from the barbaric raids during these times
This is where the Byzantine City of Koryfo (where Corfus name came from) was planned & erected 

KeyTip; at a cost of 6 Euro for adults (children are free) it is well worth it, as you have accessibility to most of the structures within the forts grounds & is well preserved as you will see in my photos

During the Venetian occupation (1386-1797) the City of Corfu had a strategic & commercial importance 
Because of this; the Old Fortress was upgraded to withstand the attacks from the Ottomans with one of the defense mechanisms big improvements..... the construction of the moat.
It was done to withstand the introduction of heavy artillery that was always evolving during these times

In the background is the British Hospital that was constructed during its occupation of Corfu which some believe is now one of the most haunted buildings in Greece

As i do my research of its history one can read it has had a dark past, but starting with the positive; during the British rule it served its purpose of treating the sick & injured
But during the Italian raid in 1923 (with its fleet) it occupied the island & took over the hospital where a large number of refugees & their fate remand a mystery, so slightly dark
Back to positive times; during World War 1 the hospital was active again helping wounded British & Allied soldiers until 1940 when the British offered the use of the hospital back to the Greek Army

Then in 1941 when Corfu surrendered to the Italians the history changes to the dark; the hospital grounds & rooms where used as execution & torture chambers 
Then followed the German military who used it as the Italians did for their acts of atrocities

Finally the hospital was returned to the Greek army after World War Two

The Clock Tower was built when the Old Fortress was under British rule.
 It was constructed in the neoclassical architecture style with hand carved Maltese limestone, coated bricks & Tuscan columns.
Not open but i can tell you; its a wooden staircase leading to the clock mechanisms with a hatch to the bells, one was constructed in 1732 with the name etched Giovanni Bonardi Bresann & the other two made in 1827 by a British foundry T. Mears of London

Because of the location with access to the sea plus full control of the neighbouring shores & the high fortifications..... it made it impossible for any raiders to get any advantage during an attack

The Old Fortress is also known as Fortetsa or Saint Nicolas Fortress

The fortifications of The Old Fortress were constructed over a period of about 15 centuries in which during the late Venetian period the Spianada Square was built

The lighthouse was built by the British in 1822 for the purpose to guide shipping (as usual) into its navy base & now for great views to be had if you dare try the steep incline of stairs 
(Also note; the structure itself is closed)

The island of Corfu was never part of the Ottoman Empire (in which most of Greece was at some point) because of the Old & New Fortresses, even though they unsuccessfully tired three times in 1537, 1571 & 1716

The Fortress now houses the Public Library of Corfu, The Hellenic Music Research Lab from the Ionian University plus the grounds are used for various types of art & culture events

Back in 1718 lightning struck a storehouse filled with gun powder on the Old Fortress that killed hundreds of people which is still considered the largest catastrophe in the history of Corfu

The Old Fortress is separated from Corfu town by this artificial ditch called a contrafossa which now  (as you can see) is a shelter for small boats

For all you movie buffs; The James Bond flick For Your Eyes Only (1981)  had 90%  filmed on Corfu with the one scene where Bond pushes the Mercedes off the cliff from the Old Fortress

As i leave the Old Fortress & looking back from the streets of Corfu i marvel on how many nations (Byzantines, Venetians, French, Russians, English, Greeks, Italians & Germans) left their imprint in the making of this magnificent structure for all of us to enjoy in these modern times

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