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Sunday, May 22, 2022

Communist Museum of Prague

Inside the Communist Museum in Prague (established in 2001) showing the hard life lived in Czechoslovakia behind the Iron Curtain with the failed Soviet Union ideology.  
In 1948 the Czech Government attempted to join the US sponsored Marshall Plan to aid post war rebuilding, the Soviet Union stopped this by installing a communist government for the next 20 years
But then in the 1960s with changes of leadership in Prague, this led to a series of softer changes within the communist circles 
With the Czech economy slowing under the communist rule new reforms took place to kickstart the work conditions & workers income. With these new freedoms the citizens wanted more
But with the new reforms the Soviets knew they were losing control so with their Iron Fist sent troops to reestablish control in 1968 
Conditions improved even under Soviet Rule and in 1993 Czechoslovakia separated peacefully into two new countries.......Czech Republic & Slovakia
The last Soviet Union Troops left in June 1991
Czech Republic  ( also Hungary & Poland ) joined NATO in 1999
Since becoming a member of NATO all that painful history is behind this resilient country

They say history has a way of repeating itself, i say lets learn from our past so we do not make the same mistakes again. I have done enough traveling around the World & my observations are.....all people want is to the freedoms to live life to the fullest without being suppressed.